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Western Oregon Districts Timber Sales

Timber sale files for Fiscal Year 2025 are only be available in the new location. You will be redirected to the new Western Oregon Timber Sales webpage in 5 seconds. This web page will expire on 01/01/2025. If you have any questions, please contact State Lead O&C Forester: Christiana Woods at cewoods@blm.gov.

The Oregon/Washington forestry program holds a number of timber sales throughout the year. Below are listings of the yearly sale plans, notices, prospectuses, and sale results for Western Oregon.

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Coos Bay

Annual Forest Product Sale Plans

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Timber Advertisements and Sale Notice In 2019

Posted DateSale DateSale Name
Jul 25 2019Aug 23 2019Rock Weaver Timber Sale Notice
Jul 22 2019Jul 26 2019Ebenezer CT Notice to prospective timber sale purchasers
Jul 02 2019Jul 26 2019Notice to Prosepective Timber Sale Purchasers Ebenezer CT
Jun 27 2019Jul 26 2019Ebenezer CT and Camas Overlook Timber Sale Notice
May 30 2019Jun 28 2019Early Fork CT and Lookout Timber Sale Notice
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Timber Prospectuses In 2019

Posted DateSale DateSale Name
Jul 25 2019Aug 23 2019Rock Weaver Timber Sale Prospectus
Jul 10 2019Jun 26 201990 Day Timber Sale Early Fork CT Prospectus
Jun 27 2019Jul 26 2019Camas Overlook Prospectus
Jun 27 2019Jul 26 2019Ebenezer CT Timber Sale Prospectus
May 30 2019Jun 28 2019Early Fork CT Timber Sale Prospectus

Timber Sale Results for 2019

August 23, 2019

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2019-0035 Rock Weaver 3H Forestry & Land Management 36 Months 4 2,251.0 $291,345.90 $358,152.00

July 26, 2019

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2019-0004 Ebenezer CT SENECA SAWMILL COMPANY 36 Months 2 5,488.0 $277,122.30 $355,004.60
2019-0034 Camas Overlook LENNARD WARREN CONTRACTING INC 36 Months 2 1,826.0 $278,319.60 $370,499.60

June 28, 2019

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2019-0002 Early Fork CT ***** NO BID RECEIVED ***** 36 Months 0 4,764.0 $348,652.00 $0.00
2019-0033 Lookout 3H Forestry & Land Management 36 Months 2 1,953.0 $257,157.50 $291,419.90

May 17, 2019

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2019-0001 Sister Sweden CT BLACK BUTTE ENTERPRISES, INC 36 Months 1 4,656.0 $494,500.00 $494,500.00
2019-0030 Glide Path Boise Cascade Wood Products 36 Months 3 4,895.0 $671,267.50 $799,840.00
2019-0031 Slater 21 3H Forestry & Land Management 36 Months 2 1,113.0 $76,162.70 $76,162.70
2019-0032 Kenyon Mountain BLACK BUTTE ENTERPRISES, INC 36 Months 1 1,749.0 $190,970.70 $190,970.70

February 22, 2019

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2018-0005 Church Yard CT Re-Offer 3H Forestry & Land Management 36 Months 1 4,003.0 $214,884.20 $214,884.20
2019-0006 Beam Me Up CT E Z INC. 12 Months 3 269.0 $58,617.70 $67,987.60

Lakeview: Klamath Falls Field Office

Annual Forest Product Sale Plans

Timber Advertisements and Sale Notice In 2019

Posted DateSale DateSale Name
Jun 26 2019Jul 24 2019Stag Timber Sale Notice

Timber Prospectuses In 2019

Posted DateSale DateSale Name
Jun 26 2019Jul 24 2019Stag Timber Sale Prospectus

Timber Sale Results for 2019

July 24, 2019

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2019-0001 Stag MURPHY COMPANY 36 Months 2 5,851.0 $1,115,599.30 $1,349,330.60


Annual Forest Product Sale Plans

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Timber Advertisements and Sale Notice In 2019

Posted DateSale DateSale Name
Sep 12 2019Sep 26 2019Evans Gem and Oh Windy Timber Sale Notices
Jun 13 2019Jun 27 2019Ramsey Canyon Salvage Timber Sale SPECIAL NOTICE
Jun 13 2019Jun 27 2019Miles Salvage Timber Sale SPECIAL NOTICE
Jun 13 2019Jun 27 2019Taylor Hazard Timber Sale SPECIAL NOTICE
Jun 06 2019Jun 27 2019Miles Salvage and Taylor Hazard Timber Sale Notice
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Timber Prospectuses In 2019

Posted DateSale DateSale Name
Sep 12 2019Sep 26 2019Oh Windy Timber Sale Prospectus
Sep 12 2019Sep 26 2019Evans Gem Timber Sale Prospectus
Jun 13 2019Jun 27 2019REVISED Taylor Hazard Timber Sale Prospectus
Jun 13 2019Jun 27 2019REVISED Ramsey Canyon Salvage Timber Sale Prospectus
Jun 13 2019Jun 27 2019REVISED Miles Salvage Timber Sale Prospectus

Timber Sale Results for 2019

September 26, 2019

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2019-0014 Evans Gem Croman Corporation 36 Months 1 5,145.0 $231,148.70 $231,148.70
2019-0024 Oh Windy MURPHY COMPANY 36 Months 2 13,644.0 $721,587.70 $721,587.70

September 19, 2019

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2018-0006 Savage Murph Greg E. Liles Logging 36 Months 1 828.0 $47,865.20 $47,865.20

June 27, 2019

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2019-0010 Ramsey Canyon Salvage ***** NO BID RECEIVED ***** 12 Months 0 522.0 $12,041.80 $0.00
2019-0012 Miles Salvage ***** NO BID RECEIVED ***** 36 Months 0 4,844.0 $114,705.00 $0.00
2019-0020 Taylor Hazard ESTREMADO LOGGING INC 12 Months 1 2,676.0 $77,530.30 $77,749.90

May 23, 2019

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2019-0021 Beef Stew Timber Sale Greg E. Liles Logging 24 Months 1 530.0 $27,084.50 $27,084.50

May 16, 2019

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2018-0002 North Willy Rim Rock Equipment LLC 36 Months 1 276.0 $13,558.70 $13,558.70
2019-0010 Ramsey Canyon Salvage ***** NO BID RECEIVED ***** 12 Months 0 522.0 $30,763.60 $0.00

May 8, 2019

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2019-0006 Spencer Hazard ESTREMADO LOGGING INC 12 Months 1 532.0 $25,483.60 $25,483.60

April 25, 2019

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2019-0010 Ramsey Canyon Salvage ***** NO BID RECEIVED ***** 36 Months 0 522.0 $61,467.00 $0.00

April 5, 2019

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2019-0002 Wild Bill Greg E. Liles Logging 36 Months 1 549.0 $74,520.80 $74,520.80

February 28, 2019

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2019-0002 Wild Bill ***** NO BID RECEIVED ***** 36 Months 0 549.0 $74,520.80 $0.00
2019-0003 Bear Creek Gyppo Logging 24 Months 2 929.0 $43,938.20 $44,028.00
2019-0006 Spencer Hazard ***** NO BID RECEIVED ***** 12 Months 0 696.0 $88,329.10 $0.00
2019-0011 Big Graves Salvage ***** NO BID RECEIVED ***** 24 Months 0 3,996.0 $280,606.30 $0.00

November 29, 2018

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2018-0002 North Willy ***** NO BID RECEIVED ***** 36 Months 0 276.0 $16,229.40 $0.00
2019-0008 Clean Slate ***** NO BID RECEIVED ***** 36 Months 0 3,373.0 $316,593.80 $0.00
2019-0017 Elk Stew ***** NO BID RECEIVED ***** 36 Months 0 1,158.0 $80,817.70 $0.00

Northwest Oregon: Eugene SYU

Annual Forest Product Sale Plans

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Timber Advertisements and Sale Notice In 2019

Posted DateSale DateSale Name
Aug 13 2019Sep 12 2019Timber Sale Notice-September 2019
Jul 23 2019Aug 22 2019TimberSaleNotice-August2019
May 28 2019Jun 27 2019TSN-Eugene SYU-June 2019
Mar 26 2019Apr 25 2019Timber Sale Notice-Eugene SYU-April 2019
Mar 07 2019Mar 21 2019Announcement-Withdrawal Notice-Eugene SYU March 2019 Auction
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Timber Prospectuses In 2019

Posted DateSale DateSale Name
Aug 13 2019Sep 12 2019Prospectus-Crooked Roller-September 2019
Aug 13 2019Sep 12 2019Prospectus-High Roller-September 2019
Aug 13 2019Sep 12 2019Prospectus-Kelly Green-September 2019
Jul 23 2019Aug 22 2019Prospectus-GreenOaks-August2019
May 28 2019Jun 27 2019Prospectus-London Road-Eugene SYU-June 2019

Timber Sale Results for 2019

September 12, 2019

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2019-0332 KELLY GREEN SENECA SAWMILL COMPANY 36 Months 1 3,575.0 $607,020.30 $607,020.30
2019-0511 High Roller SENECA SAWMILL COMPANY 36 Months 2 8,058.0 $1,715,891.30 $2,683,206.50
2019-0518 Crooked Roller SENECA SAWMILL COMPANY 36 Months 1 5,173.0 $1,158,933.50 $1,158,933.50

August 22, 2019

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2019-0331 GREEN OAKS Swanson Group Mfg. LLC 36 Months 1 10,446.0 300.0 $1,644,674.10 $1,644,674.10

July 10, 2019

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2019-0506 London Road ROSBORO COMPANY, LLC 36 Months 1 8,284.0 $2,052,023.80 $2,052,023.80

June 27, 2019

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2019-0327 NAILS CREEK Zip-O-Log Mills, Inc.. 24 Months 3 6,528.0 $1,973,131.10 $2,056,024.00
2019-0329 MILL CAMP ***** NO BID RECEIVED ***** 24 Months 0 432.0 $123,811.20 $0.00
2019-0330 MAXWELL CREEK ***** NO BID RECEIVED ***** 36 Months 0 4,181.0 $1,127,510.90 $0.00

April 25, 2019

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2019-0308 WOLF POINT RE-OFFER SENECA SAWMILL COMPANY 36 Months 5 4,391.0 $554,346.20 $752,600.20
2019-0325 TURN AND BURN RE-OFFER B & G Logging and Construction LLC 36 Months 3 3,435.0 $168,243.30 $181,967.30
2019-0516 Ratified Swanson Group Mfg. LLC 36 Months 5 9,619.0 $2,231,460.40 $3,472,538.60

October 25, 2018

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2019-0514 Garoutte Road SENECA SAWMILL COMPANY 36 Months 1 2,917.0 $932,947.30 $932,947.30
2019-0515 Table for 22 SENECA SAWMILL COMPANY 36 Months 1 7,794.0 $2,657,339.70 $2,657,339.70

Northwest Oregon: Salem SYU

Annual Forest Product Sale Plans

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Timber Advertisements and Sale Notice In 2019

Posted DateSale DateSale Name
Sep 06 2019Sep 11 2019Moore's Meadow Correction Notice
Aug 13 2019Sep 11 2019Timber Sale Notice September 2019
Jul 23 2019Aug 21 2019Timber Sale Notice August 2019
Jun 19 2019Jun 26 2019Laurel Mountain Correction Notice
May 29 2019Jun 26 2019Timber Sale Notice June 2019
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Timber Prospectuses In 2019

Posted DateSale DateSale Name
Aug 14 2019Sep 11 2019Sweet Pea Prospectus
Aug 13 2019Sep 11 2019Moore's Meadow Prospectus
Jul 23 2019Aug 21 2019Silver Lining Prospectus
Jul 22 2019Aug 21 2019Groovy Tunes Prospectus
May 29 2019Jun 26 2019Laurel Mountain Prospectus

Timber Sale Results for 2019

September 11, 2019

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2019-0105 Sweet Pea Stella-Jones Corporation 36 Months 7 1,740.0 $460,612.00 $740,430.00
2019-0403 Moore's Meadow BOISE CASCADE WOOD PRODUCTS, L.L.C. 36 Months 3 5,586.0 $1,411,219.00 $2,700,899.00

August 21, 2019

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2019-0103 Groovy Tunes FRERES LUMBER CO., INC. 36 Months 1 13,550.0 $3,826,622.30 $3,826,622.30
2019-0402 Silver Lining FRERES LUMBER CO., INC. 36 Months 2 8,639.0 135.0 $1,961,816.20 $2,252,949.70

June 26, 2019

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2019-0201 Laurel Mountain Hampton Tree Farms, LLC 36 Months 1 1,383.0 $71,641.50 $71,641.50

May 15, 2019

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2019-0102 Voodoo Child FRERES LUMBER CO., INC. 36 Months 3 5,494.0 $1,251,115.30 $1,808,476.80
2019-0204 Fall Creek Fire Salvage Stout Timber, LLC 18 Months 1 187.0 $16,935.10 $16,953.80
2019-0205 Lucky Rowell Reoffer BOISE CASCADE WOOD PRODUCTS, L.L.C. 36 Months 3 7,638.0 $1,626,705.40 $1,954,224.90
2019-0401 Lookout Below BOISE CASCADE WOOD PRODUCTS, L.L.C. 36 Months 3 7,139.0 $1,402,743.30 $2,537,722.10

April 24, 2019

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2019-0202 Flight Path Hampton Tree Farms, LLC 36 Months 3 16,492.0 $2,623,556.00 $5,100,103.50

March 20, 2019

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2019-0101 Purple Hazen FRERES LUMBER CO., INC. 36 Months 5 10,901.0 $2,961,319.90 $4,081,039.90

February 21, 2019

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2019-0106 Fishbender Salvage Two Callsen Cutting, Inc. 2 Months 1 198.0 $17,037.90 $17,037.90

October 17, 2018

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2018-0105 Watchtower FRERES LUMBER CO., INC. 36 Months 1 9,587.0 $3,533,823.40 $3,534,560.30


Annual Forest Product Sale Plans

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Timber Advertisements and Sale Notice In 2019

Posted DateSale DateSale Name
Aug 27 2019Sep 24 2019Flat as a Pancake
Jul 23 2019Aug 20 2019Tommy Tot and Harvest Moon
May 28 2019Jun 25 2019Daydream Reoffer
Mar 26 2019Apr 23 2019Bygone Days Reoffer
Mar 14 2019Apr 23 2019Special Notice - Styx and Stones
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Timber Prospectuses In 2019

Posted DateSale DateSale Name
Aug 27 2019Sep 24 2019Flat as a Pancake
Jul 23 2019Aug 20 2019Tommy Tot
Jul 23 2019Aug 20 2019Harvest Moon
May 28 2019Jun 25 2019Daydream Reoffer
Mar 26 2019Apr 23 2019Bygone Days Reoffer

Timber Sale Results for 2019

September 24, 2019

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2019-0009 Flat as a Pancake SCOTT TIMBER COMPANY 24 Months 6 6,452.0 $61,768.90 $680,178.90

August 20, 2019

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2019-0004 Tommy Tot SENECA SAWMILL COMPANY 36 Months 2 8,667.0 $1,037,789.10 $1,380,645.90
2019-0006 Harvest Moon Swanson Group Mfg. LLC 36 Months 4 7,460.0 $920,273.30 $1,454,598.00

June 25, 2019

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2017-0007 Daydream Reoffer SCOTT TIMBER COMPANY 36 Months 1 3,438.0 $304,782.00 $304,782.00

April 23, 2019

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2019-0002 Styx and Stones Boulder Creek Timber Co. 36 Months 4 5,956.0 $463,175.90 $742,361.80
2018-0006 Bygone Days Reoffer BOISE CASCADE WOOD PRODUCTS, L.L.C. 36 Months 2 2,772.0 $341,198.90 $345,530.10

March 19, 2019

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2018-0005 Daily Bread Reoffer Boulder Creek Timber Co. 36 Months 4 9,074.0 $1,182,501.70 $2,499,596.70

December 11, 2018

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2019-0001 Kernel Klink Boulder Creek Timber Co. 36 Months 4 6,230.0 $580,513.00 $1,230,322.00

November 27, 2018

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2019-0003 Stampede ***** NO BID RECEIVED ***** 18 Months 0 2,034.0 $62,212.20 $0.00

October 23, 2018

FY-No Sale Name Purchaser Contract Term Qualified Bidders MBF Volume Green Ton Volume Appraised Price Bid Price
2018-0010 Daddy O Reoffer ***** NO BID RECEIVED ***** 18 Months 0 4,861.0 $138,784.80 $0.00

Commonly Used Timber Sale Forms | OR/WA Completed Timber Harvests Map Viewer