General information about national program areas can be found on the "Programs" tab. This page was designed for easier access to BLM Utah specific program areas.
Utah State, District and Field Offices
Utah Energy and Minerals
- Utah Oil and Gas
- Utah Oil and Gas Lease Sales
- Utah Oil and Gas Agreement Maps
- Utah Coal
- Utah Geothermal Energy
- Utah Mining and Minerals
- Utah Reclamation
- Utah Renewable Energy Resources
Utah National Conservation Lands
Utah Recreation and Visitor Services
- Utah Hunting, Fishing and Recreational Shooting
- Utah Travel and Transportation
- Utah Recreational Activities
- Utah Lotteries and Permit Systems
- Utah Special Recreation Permits and Post Use Reporting
- Utah Byways
- Utah Transcontinental Railroad
- Utah Recreation Site Business Plans
Utah Wild Horse and Burros
Utah Cultural Heritage and Paleontology
Utah Natural Resources
- Water Program
- Soil Program
- Air Program
- Native Plants Program
- Threatened and Endangered Species
- Wildlife
- Fisheries and Aquatics
- Greater Sage Grouse
- Wetlands and Riparian
Utah Visitor Interpretive Centers