California Planning & NEPA
To ensure the best balance of uses and resource protections for California's public lands, the BLM undertakes extensive land use planning through a collaborative approach with local, state, and tribal entities, the public, and stakeholder groups. From hiking in the Redding Field Office to renewable energy projects in the California Desert Conservation Area, land use plans provide the framework to guide decisions for actions and approved uses on BLM-managed lands in California.
View our plans and NEPA documents in development, those that are in effect, and frequently requested NEPA documents in the accordion below. Find all BLM California NEPA and planning documents in our e-planning system.
Plans and NEPA Documents in Development
Read about featured plans and NEPA documents currently being developed, revised or amended, and get involved in the planning process.
Plans in Effect
Bureau of Land Management uses the following plans to guide management of public lands across California and northwestern Nevada.
State-wide Plans
California Coastal National Monument Resource Management Plan
Northern California District Plans
Alturas Resource Management Plan
Arcata Resource Management Plan
Headwaters Forest Reserve Resource Management Plan
King Range National Conservation Area Resource Management Plan
Eagle Lake Resource Management Plan
Redding Resource Management Plan
Surprise Resource Management Plan
Central California District Plans
Bakersfield Resource Management Plan
Bishop Resource Area Management Plan
Carrizo Plain National Monument Resource Management Plan
Southern Diablo Mountain Range and Central Coast of California Resource Management Plan
Clear Creek Management Area Resource Management Plan
Sierra Resource Management Plan
Ukiah Resource Management Plan
California Desert District Plans
California Desert Conservation Area Plan
Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan
West Mojave Plan
West Mojave Route Network Project (2019)
Northern & Eastern Mojave Desert Management Plan
Eastern San Diego Resource Management Plan
Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area Management Plan
Northern and Eastern Colorado Desert Coordinated Management Plan
California Desert Conservation Area Plan Amendment for the Coachella Valley
Santa Rosa and San Jacinto Mountains National Monument Management Plan
South Coast Resource Management Plan
Ocotillo Wind Energy Facility Eagle Conservation Plan
Frequently Requested NEPA Documents
The California Desert region holds some of the highest concentrations of renewable energy potential in the United States. The following NEPA documents in California are frequently requested and available in e-planning.
- Abengoa Mojave Solar Power Plant, 2011
- Bakersfield Field Office Hydraulic Fracturing Supplemental EIS
- Blythe Mesa Solar Power Project, 2015
- Blythe Solar Power Project, 2013
- Calico Peak 33kv pole line, 2017
- Campo Verde Solar Gen-tie Project, 2012
- Casa Diablo IV Geothermal Energy Project, 2011
- Crimson Solar Project, 2018
- Desert Harvest Solar Farm, 2011
- Desert Quartzite Solar, 2016
- Desert Sunlight Solar Farm Project, 2010
- Devers-Palo Verde No. 2 Transmission, 2005
- Dumont Communication Site, 2018
- Eagle Crest Energy Gen-Tie Project, 2016
- Genesis Solar Power Project, 2009
- Haiwee Geothermal Leasing Area, 2017
- Headwaters Elk River Corridor Recreation Improvements, 2016
- Imperial Solar Energy Center (CSolar) West, 2010
- Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System, 2007
- Keystone Drilling and Sampling, 2018
- McCoy Solar Energy Project, 2011
- Nipton Communication Site, 2017
- North Haiwee Dam #2, 2017
- Palen Solar Project, 2018
- RE Cinco Gen-Tie Project, 2014
- Soda Mountain Solar, 2012
- Stateline Solar Farm Project, 2011
- West of Devers Transmission Upgrade, 2014