About Native Plants
A spectacular array of native plants grace the landscapes of our nation. Together, these plants form diverse communities that directly support our economic prosperity and quality of life. Native plant diversity provides ecosystem services, or process by which the environment produces resources that we often take for granted including the regulation of carbon and terrestrial water cycles. Native plant communities create habitat which is necessary for wildlife and essential to sustaining biodiversity and resilient landscapes.
As the foundation of healthy functioning ecosystems, native plant communities buffer the impacts of extreme weather events such as severe flooding and prolonged drought. Actions to conserve and restore native plant diversity, including having appropriate seed resources readily available, are important strategic components of emergency preparedness - allowing us to properly address catastrophic fires and future extreme weather events.
Learn how BLM is working to restore these native plant communities through Native Seed and Plant Materials Development and to protect native plant species through Rare Plant Conservation.
BLM Rare Plants
Learn about the rare plants managed on BLM lands
Quick Links
Educational Materials
For Learners
- Native Plants – Junior Ranger Activity Book
- Plantas Nativas – Joven Guardaparques Cuaderno de Actividades
- Native Plants Quick Reference – Discovery Series
For Teachers