Utah Mountain Biking Opportunities: Moab Area
The possibilities are nearly endless in Moab with over 120 miles of single track trails mountain bike trails.
The Moab Brand trails offer 31 miles in which beginner, intermediate, and advanced riders can enjoy a wide variety of challenges. Many of the trails offer outstanding views of Arches National Park. Riders looking for longer distance single track riding opportunities should check out the Klondike Bluffs area which offers more than 60 miles of fun. In 2011 the BLM and Grand County Trail Mix began construction of new singletrack trails in the Klondike area which is now a very popular destination. Those looking for a more difficult and challenging experience should check out the Amasa Back area. The 4WD route is called Cliffhanger but the mountain bikers call it Amasa Back. In 2014 a singletrack mountain bike trail, the Hymasa trail, was constructed so there is no need for riders to be on the 4WD route. The Amasa Back area also offers the Pothole, Rockstacker and Jackson trails. This trail system, Captain Ahab in particular, is a world-class attraction due to the unique technical rock challenges and spectacular scenery.