Gathers and Fertility Control Operations
The BLM gathers and removes wild horses and burros from public lands to protect the health of the animals and health of our nation’s public rangelands. In some locations, the BLM also uses birth control to slow the growth of wild horse herds. Absent management and natural predators, wild horse herds can double in just 4-5 years and quickly outgrow the ability of the land to support them.
Find the latest schedule of upcoming wild horse and burro gather and fertility control actions:
- FY24 Tentative Schedule of Planned Gathers and Fertility Control Treatments
- FY25 Tentative Schedule of Planned Gathers and Fertility Control Treatments
All information is tentative and subject to change. For the most current information, contact the BLM.
For daily updates on gather activities, visit each gather page by navigating to the applicable state page below.
Find Gathers by State
Browse our state pages for information about current and past wild horse and burro gathers and removals.